So I ended up here:
" This is a tense period through which we are passing, this period of transition
and there is a need all over the nation for leaders to carry on. Leaders who can somehow sympathize with and calm us and at the same time have a positive quality.
We have got to have leaders of this sort who will stand by courageously and yet not run off with emotion.
We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice. Not in love with publicity but in love with humanity.
Leaders who can subject their particular egos to the pressing urgencies of the great cause of freedom.
God give us leaders.
A time like this demands great leaders.
Leaders whom the fog of life cannot chill,
men whom the lust of office cannot buy.
Leaders who have honor, leaders who will not lie.
Leaders who will stand before a pagan god and damn his treacherous flattery."
This is a quote from MLK Address Delivered on 11 August 1956 where he adapted lines from Josiah Gilbert Holland’s ‘‘Wanted” (1872).
And I found out about him on Wikipedia because I was reading:
"Gold-foil, hammered from popular proverbs" by Timothy Titcomb, who was actually Holland (much as Twain was Clemens) on
And I was reading Titcomb because at some point years ago I saved a page of reviews of 19th century sermons.
And I found that saved page because I was trying out an alternative Windows(tm) search program called "Everything" that I heard about on Reddit where people were complaining about how Windows file search takes too long and finds unimportant things.