Monday, September 21, 2009

Katrina Rebuilding

In my last post I talked about destruction.

But before you count me out, notice a couple of things in that post. Most of the houses were damaged or only slightly repaired.

In a small area of the Ninth Ward, you could see some unusual houses:

These are the handiwork of an organization headed by Brad Pitt called "Make It Right".


One goal is to find a better alternative to the "shotgun shack" which is still common in New Orleans.

Here are some of the houses they are creating:







New idea 9

New design 9

New Design 9

New Home 9

It won't be enough to change the world... but it is an effort. They even have a wetlands recreation project. I met some Tulane U. students come to work on it for the day, along with staff from the organization supervising them:


people are walking around with "Brad Pitt for Mayor" T-shirts!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Hello! I hope it's okay, but I've borrowed your photos of MIR and have linked back to you on my blog. I think it's absolutely amazing what Brad's MIR campaign has done in New Orleans, and want the world to see the amazing buildings. If you have a problem with this, please let me know!!