John had loaned out some tools to a church member for the Saturday work party, and needed them back before he left for Texas. So we made a rendezvous at the church, and transferred the goods. The church member noticed that she had no turn signals, and wanted some help on this. After John left, I worked on the problem, finding that the brake light fuse and the turn signal fuse were both burned out. The church sexton went off and bought her some fuses, while I went off to church.
Church was ok... it was teacher recognition Sunday, but only one teacher showed up, so she got lots of recognition. The minister explained that this was the first Sunday in many weeks where there were no religious education classes scheduled, so the half dozen teachers were taking advantage of the break!
Last Sunday, after the service we had a group go to brunch, and we also did a sing along at the piano. This week there was no such activity, as everyone scattered for their football parties. The service was over about 11:30, and the game started at 2 PM. The minister expressed thanks that church was no longer at 2:30 PM (before this new location was rehabilitated, they shared another church building, and had an afternoon timeslot), as she was sure nobody would have attended.
So at 2 PM I was still working on yesterday's blog entry, but I finished by 4, and decided to go see what was up with the Saints. The warm rain had ended, and the main street's sidewalks had huge wet patches, so I took another route through the neighborhood. As I walked through the back streets it was clear that every occupied house was watching the game. Cheers or moans would come from all directions as if the town was haunted by demons. My goal was to visit the Frostop-- we had gone back yesterday for lunch, and the catfish po'boy was worth having again, but it was closed today, so I went to a Mexican place down the street. A small crowd had assembled to watch the game, and when I walked in the Saints were down by 2. Almost immediately things turned for the worse, and I left before the end, figuring I'd jinxed them somehow.
That's all... I chatted online for a bit, and began reading "Thematic Preaching", trying to find inspiration for sermons in what I'd seen today... in snow and fumbles. But then I gave up, and took a nap.
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