There were bigger "authorized" commemorations, but this one seemed to be the one advertised on the streets.
The event began in the Lower Ninth Ward. This section of town was the scene of incredibly destructive flooding which came from the industrial canal. The area is poor, and many folks had no car. The North Claiborne Street Bridge crosses the Industrial Canal and is the main access road in and out. Many folks decided to stay in their houses, often with their pets, and to hope ride it out.
The ceremonies began near where the levee breached.
Groups gathered for the march
Then, mostly to a drum beat, we headed across the lower ninth ward.
A group of students from Tulane carried lists of those who died that day:
We marched down a dozen blocks and across the lock bridge to Bywater... toward the Superdome, the French Quarter and Marigny.
A view back toward North Claiborne Street Bridge:
I didn't march the whole way. I had to walk back to my car. On the way, I noticed just how many houses had been wiped away. This once had houses shoulder-to-shoulder:
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