Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 3 in New Orleans

Today saw me spackling wallboard with one of the Mainers, and also cleaning the back yard of the same house as yesterday.

The man who lives there has a young dog, a replacement pet, who lives in the back yard during the day. The dog is very friendly, and made my camera shake:

Today was colder, with rain showers. We closed every door, and even had a heater running, but it was still chilly.

I also used a sawsall to cut the whole for the dryer vent... here are the experts hooking things up:

Oh, one more thing... after the flood every house was inspected and marked with an "X" like this one:

I am not certain about what the symbols mean, but I've heard that:

CA8 = California National Guard 8th Division
EXT = Exterior check only (?)
0 = No people, no bodies found
9/9 = September 9th check

Each neighborhood was checked by a particular Guard unit, and as far as the locals are concerned, the National Guard are the heroes of New Orleans.

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